Wish You Happiness
Sulwhasoo Classic Luxury Set
Sulwhasoo cherishes Korea's beautiful traditional culture and value, and believes that when tradition and modernity coexist in harmony can beauty with a greater value be completed. Based on such a belief, Sulwhasoo aims to recreate the essence of Korean beauty with the finest craftsmen of Korea specializing in reproducing Korean culture. The Sulwhasoo Classic Luxury Set epitomizing the spirit of craftsmanship presents beauty at a higher level today.
2019 Shineclassic Classic Luxury Collection
Chilbo Silver Bowl
2019 ShineClassic Luxury Collection is an artwork that captures the beauty of peony and the desire for eternal riches and honors with enameling on a bowl of pure silver in the traditional way.
Engraving the pattern of peony next to a silver bowl, this handicraft can be used as a jewelry box after using it as well.

[자막] 설화수가 전하는 향의 기록 향서香書
[자막] 윤조지향 潤燥之香
[자막] 우리 삶은 근원은 몸이요, 몸의 근원은 마음이라.
[자막] 몸을 다스리는 것은 삶을 다스리는 것이요, 마음을 다스리는 것은 세상을 다스림이라
[자막] 백화지향 白花之香
[자막] 우리의 선조들은 마음을 다스려 세상을 다스리고자 하였고,
[자막] 홍서지향 紅栖之香
[자막] 그 이치를 담은 전통의 향제법을 기록으로 남겼습니다.
[자막] 청아지향 淸阿之香
[자막] 이를 현대적 감각으로 재해석하여 탄생한 설화수의 <향서香書>는
[자막] 흑여지향 黑余之香
[자막] 생동감 넘치는 비원(秘苑)으로 당신을 인도합니다.
[자막] 이제 설화수의 향은 당신에게 기록되어 진정한 홀리스틱 뷰티를 완성합니다.
[자막] Sulwhasoo
Chilbo is a traditional crafting technique that involves painting a metal surface with a wide range of colors of enamel. It is a highly sophisticated form of art that is capable of creating brilliant shades that no other gemstone can achieve.

How to store the Chilbo Silver Bowl
- Enameling product can be stored in good condition for longer periods with cleaning.
- It is natural that silver product is discolored when it is exposed to various changes in air, such as humidity and oil. It’s impossible to be exchanged or returned, so please be aware of it. This product is not a screw cap type and cannot be locked tightly, so be careful to use when open and close.
- This product is not a screw cap type and cannot be locked tightly, so be careful to use when open and close.
- Use a silver cleaner or a silver lining.
- Keep the product in place with minimal air contact when not in use for a long time.